Side project in Da Nang, Vietnam

The rest of the wedding and trip around Sikkim and Kolkata were incredible.

I’m in Vietnam now.

Earlier today we visited and did an interview with Mr. Loi, a local organic farmer in Da Nang who my friend Kristine has had the opportunity to work closely with these last few months. We asked him to do a small interview to get his answers and viewpoints on his farming background, why organic is important, and what his greatest motivations are. Although we switched the Google Translate live feature off while recording the interview, we both could feel the depth and emotions that poured out of Mr. Loi. With and without Google Translate, it is clear this is someone who talks and acts with heart for humanity and the earth. Mr. Loi was deeply thankful to have had the chance to speak and be heard, and both Kristine and I are eager to find out what he shared with us in detail. 

Next step - Vietnamese translations of the interview, and cutting together a video with the b-roll and a few actions shots that were captured today. This will be a sweet side project and one of the first collaborations with a patron/friend/supporter! If you know somebody who is fluent in Vietnamese and English and would be able to contribute time and effort, I'd love to get connected with that person! 🙌🏽

#MoreThanATree Campaign

I am late to the #MoreThanATree campaign, but folks ought to know about this, so here's my post.
As the videography and editor of this piece, I can tell you this campaign really, truly is much more than just a (coffee) tree (or 10,000!). This represents Conscious Impact's original commitment and intent in the village of Takure - a long-term vision and solution that is in-line with the community members' point of view. Narayan Bhattarai, a Takure local and a walking encyclopedia of local plants and all-things agriculture (and more), is our amazing community liaison and a dear friend since the inception of the project. Together with the agriculture team, we have taken part in many conversations and plannings in working to this point - the joining of an existing coffee growing cooperative that guarantees buyers at a fixed rate. What does this mean? It signifies that farmers who are part of this co-op can sell their harvest coffee beans at a rate that would bring in considerable income for his/herself and their families. What other benefits are there, you may ask? Good question! Since coffee trees enjoy being in the shade, part of coffee planting means also planting canopy trees which will tower over the coffee. For this we will put in the ground native and other fruit/food-bearing trees that will not only provide shade, but also food for humans, birds, and other fauna will be attracted to his multi-layer habitat, just as a natural and healthy-functioning ecosystem would. Another added bonus: more trees and a restored natural habitat = less erosion, and that's definitely a good thing in these deforested hillsides battered with heavy monsoon rains every summer. 
With that said, and having watched these coffee saplings grow from sprouts 13 months ago to their height now, the evolution of the agriculture program and its potential to really make a positive impact on regional community members ecologically and financially, I am beyond pleased to have cut this together to fund a project that I believe in personally. Big, big thanks to Sunita Pandey and Alyson Noele Sagala in translating our interviews throughout the Spring season, while the ag team consisting of Bryce Geralynn TannerGreg Robinson, Narayan Bhattarai, Jose Whelan, and Renée Dyke certainly deserve a round of applause for their dedication and (ongoing) work in making this a reality. We are at 44% or so now and I don't see why we cannot hit 100% before the summer's end. Big thanks to all who have supported us so far!

Ready to pitch in?
Campaign fundraiser link:

Want to know more?

Vimeo video link (to share with those not only on Facebook):

See more on Conscious Impact's Facebook page, Instagram @ConsciousImpact #MoreThanATree, and of course our website

PS: Gratitude to Rebeca Segal for photographing alongside yours truly, and to the musical talents Scott HansonIftach Yaya Meir, and Chris Mains for the sublime soundtrack!